Classic Dining Chair Designs

Classic Dining Chair Designs

Designer Dining Chairs

Our range of dining chairs are guaranteed to make your dining experience unforgettable. From the colourful Eames chair to the high tech Warren Platner each chair in our range is designed for comfort and impact. Try a Saarinsen inspired tulip chair or an elegant Brno with its moulded steel frame and make meal times a pleasure. All you have to do is decide on the look you wish to create and our dining chairs will bring it to life. There is no better combination than style and comfort.

  • Hans wegner wishbone chairCH24 Wishbone Y Chair

    The Wish­bone Chair is one of the most uni­ver­sal­ly appre­ci­at­ed items to come from the cre­ative genius of Dan­ish fur­ni­ture design­er Hans J. Weg­n­er.

  • Harry bertoia wire side chairWire Side Chair

    With stun­ning wire grid frames and sculp­ture-like forms, at Icon­ic Inte­ri­ors we are proud to be stock­ing three of Har­ry Bertoia's lim­it­ed chair range.

  • Ea101 dining chaireames ea101 chair

    Part of the icon­ic Alu­mini­um Group designed by Charles and Ray Eames, the EA101 chair was orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed back in 1958. Care­ful­ly craft­ed for the pri­vate home of an Indi­ana, US-based art col­lec­tor, this is a chair that was designed to be light, ver­sa­tile and suit­able for both the office and the din­ing room.

  • Bonaldo eral dining chairBonaldo Eral Dining Chair

    The Eral chair is part of the 2013 col­lec­tion by Bonal­do, Italy, has the advan­tage of being great val­ue as well as very com­fort­able, with a high back.

  • Series 7 chairButterfly Dining Chair Series 7

    The Series 7 Din­ing Chair — also known as the But­ter­fly Chair — is per­haps Arne Jacob­sen's most icon­ic design. It was orig­i­nal­ly designed by Jacob­sen for Fritz Hansen, and while the pair's col­lab­o­ra­tions date back to 1934, it was only real­ly this 1955 chair, along with the 1952 three-legged Ant chair on which the design was based, that pro­pelled the two into the fur­ni­ture hall of fame.

  • Loto dining chairBonaldo Loto W Dining Chair

    The Loto W din­ing chairs are new to the Ital­ian Bonal­do range, designed by Don­doli & Poc­ci. One of Italy's lead­ing design­er fur­ni­ture com­pa­nies, Bonal­do spe­cialise in pieces that are super mod­ern, but which are also time­less, using a vari­ety of mate­ri­als to cre­ate din­ing tables, chairs, cof­fee tables and oth­er items that will endure the test of time.

  • Brno chair tubular 1Brno Chair Tubular

    Intro­duc­ing the Brno chair with tubu­lar frame. The chair is made in Italy and shipped direct with­in 3 weeks. Con­tact us for more details.

  • Pk 9 dining chairPoul Kjærholm Style PK9 Dining Chair

    Grow beau­ty in any space, with the PK9 'Tulip' Din­ing Chair. With its tulip-shaped leather seat and ele­gant stem of brushed stain­less steel, this fur­ni­ture flower will nur­ture design­er good-looks where ever you plant it.

  • Platner dining chairWarren Platner Style Dining Chair

    Get a double‑o wow with the War­ren Plat­ner din­ing chair, a seat fea­tured in the styl­ish James Bond 007 movie, Quan­tum of Solace. Bond may not have stopped to appre­ci­ate this chair's impec­ca­ble style pedi­gree, with its mod­ernist stain­less steel lines and sump­tu­ous cush­ion­ing, but you can. A chair made for fine din­ing or loung­ing with a cock­tail, the din­ing chair is avail­able in a range of fab­rics or soft leathers.

  • Eames dcw plywood chairEames Style Plywood DCW Dining Chair

    No epi­cure­an delight should be enjoyed on any oth­er din­ing chair. The Eames DCW Ply­wood Din­ing Chair is a beau­ti­ful­ly flu­id design in mould­ed ply­wood. The chair has such a vibrant feel that you'd expect it to join in the din­ner con­ver­sa­tion, not just be the sub­ject of high praise from guests. The ergonom­ic com­fort preva­lent through­out the range is empha­sised by the organ­ic tone.

  • Dining dsr eames chairEames Style DSR Dining Chair

    Get an 'eye­ful' of the Eames DSR 'Eif­fel' Chair – a design­er clas­sic that says as much about its owner's appre­ci­a­tion of clas­sic fur­ni­ture as it does about the inte­ri­or it decorates.

  • Lc7 swivel chairLC7 Swivel Chair

    Sit com­fort­ably in the LC7 Swiv­el chair know­ing you've enlivened your inte­ri­or with a gen­uine icon­ic arte­fact of mod­ernist cul­ture. Adapt­able as well as endur­ing, The LC7 can be used a din­ing, side or exec­u­tive chair. The superbly craft­ed padded foam revolv­ing back pro­vides you with a flu­id­i­ty of move­ment accen­tu­at­ed by the sharp chrome lines of the tubu­lar frame.

  • Eames dining chair dawEames Style DAW Dining Chair

    Dress for din­ner with the Eames DAW Din­ing Chair, the ulti­mate acces­so­ry for any din­ing table. This wood­en-legged design­er chair can be used for much more than just styl­ish din­ing. Accen­tu­ate any lounge, study or busi­ness space with this curvy, com­pact piece of fur­ni­ture that's as durable as it is beautiful.

  • Dining chair dar eamesEames Style DAR Dining Chair

    Slip into the ulti­mate Paris-chic seat, with this clas­sic Fifties chair. Designed by Ray and Charles Eames, this Eif­fel Tow­er-inspired chair is syn­ony­mous with mid-twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry design exper­tise, and here's why. The Eames DAR Din­ing Chair's mould­ed-fibre­glass seat shell wraps around you like a design­er suit, offer­ing com­fort, design­er good looks, and effort­less style.

  • Eames dsw dining chairEames Style DSW Dining Chair

    Mar­i­lyn Mon­roe, Elvis Pres­ley, the Ford Thun­der­bird, the Eames DSW Din­ing Chair. All rev­o­lu­tion­ary. All 1950s icons that changed the world. It is no acci­dent that the Eames DSW Din­ing Chair has no con­tem­po­rary equal, but plen­ty of repli­cas and mim­ics. Longevi­ty was as much a part of the Eames phi­los­o­phy to design, as artis­tic flair, com­fort and func­tion­al­i­ty. This piece of design his­to­ry, avail­able in daz­zling range of coloured seats, speaks vol­umes about your appre­ci­a­tion of good design. Choose from red orange, green, sky blue, yel­low, black and white.

  • Brno chairsBrno Flat Frame Chair

    Sink your booty into this design trea­sure – quite sim­ply the chair to own if you want style and lots of it. Right­ly not­ed as one of the 80 man-made trea­sures of the world by archi­tec­tur­al guru, Dan Cruick­shank, the Brno adds style to any home, busi­ness or leisure facil­i­ty. With Ital­ian-leather uphol­stery float­ing between two arch­es of tough stain­less steel, the Brno chair is not only breath­tak­ing­ly beau­ti­ful, it's also extreme­ly com­fort­able and durable.

  • Tulip chairsTulip Chair

    Made in Italy. Now avail­able in alu­mini­um. Con­tact us to dis­cuss the wide range of fin­ish­es available.

  • Panton chair 001Panton Style Chair

    Be aware this ver­sion is a very sol­id and rigid fibre­glass chair — avoid the cheap­er flim­sy and light ver­sions. The year was 1995. The mag­a­zine was British Vogue. On the cov­er, a naked Kate Moss draped her lus­cious form across a mod­ern plas­tic chair that was as sin­u­ous and sleek as the mod­el herself.

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Classic Dining Chair Designs


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